What is Redirection?

Redirect means again giving direction. In a simple word, redirect sends the user/visitor to a new course, which is to a new website. 301 redirect or 302 redirect can be the choice for the problem.

It is the method to send both visitors and search engines to another URL which is set by the website owner.

Mainly redirection is of 3 types.

  • 301 Redirect
  • 302 Redirect
  • Meta Refresh

301 Redirect

It is a redirect which is also known as permanently moved redirection. Doing this type of redirection will transfer the link-juice/link equity or ranking power to new re-directed URL or page.
It is the most recommended redirect in aspect to SEO Because all power is in links which are done by SEO.
301 is the HTTP status code, which means re-direction has been applied on a website. It means the website is moved permanently to a new website a year or longer.
When to use 301 Redirects?
This type of redirect is done when sometimes user misspell any brand with a variation of HTTP, HTTPS, WWW. It is also helpful to use when your default site is www.itsallyourwebsite.com or itsallyourwebsite.com.
People sometimes forget to write www, so the permanent redirect ensures even if they forget to type www.302 Redirect In this redirection, the search engine knows that the website is moved for a short time. 302 Redirect is sometimes is also called 302 Temporary moves.

This redirection is used when the site owner wants to send a visitor to a new page for a short interval of time. Because of new design implementation or updation in the website or for minor changes.

It is also used to collect review from users about the old and new website or regarding any product without losing the ranking parameter.

Meta Refresh

Meta Redirect is the last redirection but not recommended to SEO. It is done on each page level because they are much slower. This includes a countdown timer with a text beside a link if you are not redirected in few seconds click here to redirect manually.

What happens when you use these redirects (301 redirect or 302 redirect) ?

When we use 301 Redirect, Google removes the old pages from their database and remove from indexing but transfer all links juices to the new website where owner have redirected the old pages.

When any change is made to a website, it takes some time to make that change go live, so that Google search engine can notice them and show the result in the form of ranking according to the changes made.

And in the same manner, when you use 302 Redirect, there is no effect on your website. Doing this will not impact on your website as Google know, this is temporary, so no changes are made, and you will not lose any index, link juice even traffic.

Always use an experienced person to do this type of redirection work. Otherwise, you will lose so much in no time.

What if you do it wrong?

When you do it on your own without proper knowledge, you may see some message like 404 CODE. Which means you have done the redirection in a wrong way, due to which Google or website does not contain the URL, you are requesting to visit.

It is the code when The requested URL is not found on the web. This type of 404 Page not found, can make an enormous impact on your website.

In which case, redirection is to be used?

  • When the URL is broken.
  • When you have a new website or page.
  • When you are fixing a webpage and want to go to a different page.            


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

6 thoughts on “What to Choose from 301 Redirect or 302 Redirect? For New Website.”
  1. Nice information on redirect. Had heard of redirect but was not really sure of types. Great explanation.

  2. Nice information about redirect & people can understand it through this article.

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